TC LAB operates service centers with authorization from consumer electronics brands.
And it can also build a new service infrastructures(through request from brands)
with the best-in-class operational quality using standard operating procedures of its own.
When brands need a consulting in the set up of service infrastructures in any country or cities,
TC Lab can study and propose the best and optimum way of set up.
· Finding good location for the requirement
· Design of layout and renovation
· Recruitment of required resources and set up organization for operation
· Publication of SOP for the operation and provide training before the operation
** This service is currently available in Thailand Only
** TC LAB prefers to support consumer electronics brands who want to outsource its customer service operation.
It will include 1) Service network set up and operation, 2) Contact center operation, 3) Service parts operation including
warehouse operation and parts supply to service points, 4) Product technical training, 5) Any other operations(if required).